Monday, February 11, 2008

txt spk and the Decline of English

Call me old-fashioned, but the whole text messaging thing is destroying the English language. At least as we know it, from a writer's perspective.

I know that some scientists are postulating that texting has genetic benefits: Our thumbs were increasingly falling into disrepair, but now video games and texting are "saving the thumbs."


I like having thumbs, but at the cost of using real words?

"I 8 chkn 4 dnr" is NOT a sentence!

Maybe it could be argued that being limited to 160 characters per message fosters a sort of economy of language that steers people away from excess verbosity.


I say it also fosters a sort of vocabulary shrinkage arising from the fact that people will always reach for the shortest (or most "abbreviatable" ... just made that up!) word they can find. And language will lose, as a result.

Just saying.

This is NOT "progress." This is the beginning of a regression back towards monosyllabic grunts of the cave age.

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