Once again, I find myself contemplating my "serial writing" practice... or, rather, my lack of a practice.
I have often said-- and I suppose it has become a personal philosophy of sorts-- that the secret to becoming and being a writer is simply "to write." And that's not really a secret, or is it any kind of magic potion... "it" all begins with us sitting down and churning out words.
What I mean by that is that a lot of people talk and plan and think about doing what they want to be doing but fail to actually DO any of the doing of what they are planning, thinking and talking about doing.
A few years ago, I decided to combat my own laziness and general lack of motivation by taking at least minimal (but often more) notes every time I had an idea or thought that seemed "writing worthy." I don't know that it has served to increase the volume of my writing by a whole lot-- I still struggle to complete articles on a regular basis-- but at least it has kept me in a more creative frame of mind.
And I have built an impressive collection of hand written notes...
Of course, it happened again today... where a comment left on a Facebook post got extended into a short blog post about writing, which in turn got transmuted into a different-- and much longer-- blog post about my struggle with ADHD.
I look at my reams of tiny scribbled pieces of paper, and can only hope that some day they might turn themselves into something... meanwhile, I will continue to place "random words" in random places...
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