It always ends up sort of offending me when I don't have time to write.
Perhaps what is really bugging me is living a reality in which I am sincerely struggling to make the daily living, to the point where time given to writing has an "opportunity cost" that literally means that when I give three hours to writing, I am taking away three hours from doing something income producing... which, in turn, means that the "cost" of writing could be "the electricity gets turned off."
Just another reminder that writing isn't generally something people get paid for.
Recently, I have been considering writing "social commentary" again. One of the things I like to rant and rave about is the inequities of life generally attributable to a capitalist system run rampant. Or, at least to a system where the Machine of Life has been given free license to operate without restrictions, and greed is "valued" as an attribute that leads to ostensible "achievement."
My thinking about taking up this angle of writing again mostly has to do with a call from Liane at OM Times Magazine, lamenting that her pool of some 1900 contributors seem to exclusively want to write about Metaphysical Woo-Woo, rather than some of the other areas broadly covered by a magazine about "Consciousness."
And so, I was thinking to myself "I can do that!"
The idea of "consciousness" and living consciously has always appealed to me... perhaps since my childhood days where I just couldn't figure out why people were so unkind to each other.
Stay tuned for updates.
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