Monday, March 31, 2008

The Lazy Writer's Journal

Maybe this blog is really going to end up being a sort of "Lazy Writer's Journal."

The thing is, I'm really a very lazy person.

Don't get me wrong, I love to write! But once I get a few words (basically "an idea") down "on paper," I just kinda lose interest. I guess I live under the delusion that somehow the words should now just "get legs" and start doing something, on their own... with little to no effort on my behalf.

One of the things that always felt so appealing about writing was the concept of "royalties" and "residuals." Not because I harbored any illusions that I would ever become rich from my words, but because I love the idea of "passive" income. More specifically, because I don't really have that much personal discipline... I love the idea of "not working tomorrow..." if I don't feel like it.

As I said, I am really a very lazy person.

To wit, I started this blog a couple of years ago, and I really haven't "done" anything with it. But the more I keep thinking about it, the more I keep thinking I should turn it into a chronicle of sorts... for those of us who like writing and would love to make a little money for our efforts... yet are not "driven," like some people are.

And so, I will make this the "starting marker" of this plan... and we'll just see what happens.

I am going to start using photos, too. Because photos rock. And make things prettier... or at least more "visually interesting."

Saturday, March 22, 2008

I Just Like Writing

I have been a writer since I was quite little.

By "writer," I mean that my most eloquent-- and preferred-- form of expression is the written word.

I often get taken to task because I don't have a "theme;" a field of expertise that I write about. And it's true, I'm all over the map, writing about whatever idea pops into my head. Which goes a long way toward explaining (perhaps) why I am writing a lot, but am not (for example) "A Published Author."


That, and an excessive fondness for using quotes, parentheses and the ellipsis...

Bottom line is that I write because I simply like writing. I'm not trying to accomplish some kind of "goal," I'm trying to express myself. Or formulate an idea.

Maybe it's ADD-ish.
Concept of the day: "Writer's ADD."

I was a technical writer, for some years. I more or less gave it up because "writing to order" bored me. A number of people insisted that tech writing is "creative," because the presentation of specific information in a readable format was-- somehow-- "artful."

Whereas I appreciate the feedback, these people clearly inhabit a different universe from my own.